Thursday, July 23, 2015

ThrowBack Thursday - July Edition

Hey everyone! Florence here. Being in the middle of a move makes you realize how much stuff you have, and how much stuff you didn't know you had. I came across this photo of my family that came to visit us a couple years ago. 

My Auntie Teri had found one of them on Facebook in 2011/2012 and they decided to finally book a trip out California. Alaska isn't just a drive away so it was a bit difficult for the Californians to travel since there's way more of us. But we had a blast getting to know family that were never present in our lives until that point. 

My Grandma (pictured in the middle) was the care taker for 6/8 shown in the photo. Reunited and it feels so good was an understatement. I can't wait to make an album for her of this trip. The value of memory keeping, regardless if it's from yesterday, or 10 years ago - memories will always be preserved

Dust off your photos or any old projects you've been meaning to finish. One page completed is better than no page completed. Until next time!

- Florence

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